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Pipeline-Assisted Coil Embolization Case Study

"Pediatric intracranial aneurysms are rare clinical entities with unique management challenges and considerations. Historically, microsurgical clipping was favored for its benefit of long-term aneurysmal obliteration over the extended lifespan in the pediatric population. Over the last decade, the treatment paradigm for aneurysms has experienced a shift from open surgery to endovascular therapy in the adult population, and this trend has extended into the pediatric population. The Pipeline embolization device (PED; Medtronic Neurovascular) and other flow diversion technologies are increasingly important tools of modern neurointervention in the management of cerebral aneurysms. The PED has been adopted successfully for small aneurysms of both the anterior and posterior circulations as well as in the distal circulations beyond the circle of Willis. However, the use of flow diverters in the pediatric population (< 18 years of age) has been limited, with only 21 reported patients in the literature, none of whom were infants." Visit The Journal of Neurosurgery to read more of the article: Pipeline-assisted coil embolization of a large middle cerebral artery pseudoaneurysm in a 9-month-old infant: experience from the youngest flow diversion case

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